Dependability is something every business owner and leader desires when it comes to doing business both internally and externally. When we hire staff, we have expectations. When we sign a contract with another company, we have criteria.

There is nothing more frustrating than unmet expectations. This could be due to a lack of communication, misunderstanding, or unclear guidelines. That is why having requirements in writing, especially with a contract, makes everything clear and allows for adjustments.

At J.M. Lacey Communications, my goal is to make certain client expectations are clear from the beginning. Saving headaches and frustrations keep us focused on the issue, rather than getting sidetracked by backtracking and miscommunications.

Want to know how this is accomplished and what tips might be useful for your own business?

Client expectations are clear from the beginning.

Be clear, be honest

When speaking to our audience, we need to be unambiguous on what we do and for whom. But also, what we don’t do and who we don’t service.

By the time prospective clients are on that first call, they should already be sold, in a sense, because they ascertain from our website and intake form what they are getting.

It is apparent what the goals are in working together, what they can expect as is all outlined on the program pages, how much they are being charged, and how we work at the company.

In other words, we don’t leave room for clients to guess how our partnership works. We dignify them by giving them the answers they need upfront.

We are not casual, or laid-back in our business dealings. We are professional, classy, committed, and ethical. And we work with clients who exude the same traits.


Be straightforward

Decision makers loathe the runaround. They sense when another business is attempting to “sales pitch” them by explaining features while going in circles. Or the consultant is grasping at possibilities and is trying to work in what the client asks for, even if the consultant does not usually do that type of work.

The prospect then receives multiple quotes with a variety of packages and options. Giving too many choices, especially for a larger corporation, is seen as time-consuming and fickle.

We prefer to look at what would make both our job and the client’s job easier. Our motto is to “simplify what has been unnecessarily complicated.” This includes outlining our process, outlining our programs’ values and benefits, the cost involved, and the timeframe.

We are not casual, or laid-back in our business dealings. We are professional, classy, committed, and ethical.

Our process is so seamless we can dive in and get moving, rather than make the client wait.

After all, in the United States, we do not go to the grocery store and bargain with the manager on each item we purchase. We check the product we need, read the label, look at the price, make a decision.

It’s that simple.

Want to know how J.M. Lacey Communications communicates expectations? Join the journey by visiting J.M. Lacey Communications LLC on LinkedIn and “follow” the page where each week in May we’ll share the experience.

(Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels)

How can J.M. Lacey Communications ease your burdens? We keep it simple here. No lengthy lead generation pages. No sales pitches. Just straight-forward programs for your needs. What can we help you with? Visit our Programs page and let’s get the conversation going.