Art of Writing: Focus on quality to establish your brand

Art of Writing: Focus on quality to establish your brand

I’m newly obsessed with the latest History Channel documentary: “How Disney Built America.” All the documentaries on the foods, brands, toys, etc., that “built America” fascinate me and I truly wish I was that genius to come up with something amazing. But I digress....
Avoid Using Words That Make You Sound Unprofessional

Avoid Using Words That Make You Sound Unprofessional

Back in the day, I was a reporter for a local newspaper, and I learned a lot about writing captivating news stories about boring subjects. My conversations with my editor were few and far between because he worked in another office. During the rare occasions he called...
Crafting a compelling story for your brand

Crafting a compelling story for your brand

“Listen, and you will realize that we are made not from cells or from atoms. We are made from stories.” — Mia Couto, Mozambican writer If you are a writer, especially a novelist, you’re probably familiar with story arcs or narratives. In brief, an arc is a rise to the...