I’ve written on this blog articles about overcoming consumer objections, clarifying your message, how people buy based on emotion, how creating a rapport with consumers shows them you get them.

Now, your story should propel you to the front of the line and help you stand out from your competition.

Making your story, or your organization’s story, memorable, is a key factor. You need to write it so well and make it relatable and powerful that it continues to resonate long after it’s read or viewed.

This helps your brand—whether it is a product, service, or you—to become recognizable. You want to be tied with your brand story to influence people to reach out and buy your product and support you.

Non-fiction writers have a platform, something that shows their expertise in the subject they are writing about. But often it’s their personal story, perhaps their journey and their experience, that sets them apart from another author writing about the same subject.

Your business needs to be viewed the same way. Consider what is unique in your business that others cannot copy. And the story that follows should affect your audience so much they cannot help but think of you when they have a specific need you address.

You want to pique the interest of your intended audience. Your story should move them to want to know more. It should take them on a journey toward discovery.

“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.” — Author Brandon Sanderson, “The Way of Kings”


4 Ideas to spark interest in your story

(1) Begin with your passion and your why. You started your business or your product or your book because you noticed a need. That need created a desire in you to solve someone’s problem. What are the problems you are addressing?

(2) Your story is unique to you because no one else is you. Whatever product or service you offer, whatever book you write that might be similar to someone else’s, will still be different because the difference is you. Your personality, your life, and experiences all belong to you.

(3) Focus on your business as opposed to your product or service. This might sound counterintuitive since you want your product, your service, your program to garner attention. But think about this: others can mimic your product, service, and program. What makes you stand out that they can’t do is how you operate your business. That is your unique selling proposition that will impel others to support and buy from you.

(4) Consider your audience to know with which emotion to lead. Does your story tug at heartstrings? Does it bring joy and comfort to others? Your story can be told in various ways, depending on the spin your audience might prefer.


Entertaining, personal, educational — Which?

Once you’ve considered the above factors, decide the theme of your story. Do you want it to entertain? Should you make the story personal? Do you desire to educate?

Frankly, all the above is often used at once to tell an amazing story. But depending on your business and your goals, your focus will typically be on one with the others in the background to round it out.

Think of your story as a journey that your supporters wish to travel. Reveal it in segments, impelling your audience to crave the next adventure. Make sure they see themselves in your story because it is theirs too.

When you do that, you make yourself memorable.

Stand out by making your brand story memorable and meaningful. You need to write it so well and make it relatable and powerful that it continues to resonate long after it’s read or viewed. Focus on your passion and why you started your business or writing your book, then consider your goals to know how to take your audience on a journey with you.

(Photo by Jaime Reimer from Pexels)

Need help telling your business or author story? My brand training helps you live your brand by recognizing your story and learning how to use it effectively to enhance engagement and increase sales. Find out more here and book a call with me!