Why Polish Your Writing

Why Polish Your Writing

As a writer and an editor, I live with a red pen in my head, and it’s constantly moving. Even when I listen to others speak, unfortunately, that red pen is editing their words and sentences. I can’t help it. It’s a disease. Heck, I do it to myself! And it’s worse when...
Should writers edit their work?

Should writers edit their work?

As writers, we enjoy focusing on the creative. We love to use our imaginations and put it on paper with words that form beautiful prose. Even writing business material takes a lot of talent and enthusiasm to pen meaningful thoughts and advice. But what about the...
Are you a creative, content or business writer?

Are you a creative, content or business writer?

What do you consider is your best writing skill? Are you great at creative writing? Maybe you prefer the approach of content writing? Or hands down, you are a straightforward business writer? Can you be all three? I ask because lately I’ve seen a lot of companies...
Keep your writing simple

Keep your writing simple

Write with everyday language, be succinct and clear, and get to the point. When it comes to your writing, whether it is creative or business, we can tell people a lot without saying too much. One way we keep our writing simple is by using everyday language. I love my...
Why quality writing builds trust in an organization

Why quality writing builds trust in an organization

Good communication strengthens retention Writing, in any business environment, is a necessity for all communications — both internal and external. The written word is used for memos, marketing, legal documents, policies and every signed document. Many companies...