Avoid Using Words That Make You Sound Unprofessional

Avoid Using Words That Make You Sound Unprofessional

Back in the day, I was a reporter for a local newspaper, and I learned a lot about writing captivating news stories about boring subjects. My conversations with my editor were few and far between because he worked in another office. During the rare occasions he called...
Improve your writing through critique and criticism

Improve your writing through critique and criticism

Many of us who have been writing for a number of years understand the potential pain of someone critiquing our work. But as writers, we also know we have to develop a thick skin. Our work will always be under the radar. Mark Twain said: “Tomorrow night I appear for...
Keep your writing simple

Keep your writing simple

Write with everyday language, be succinct and clear, and get to the point. When it comes to your writing, whether it is creative or business, we can tell people a lot without saying too much. One way we keep our writing simple is by using everyday language. I love my...